There are eight weight categories. Invited are all EKO member countries. Each country may enroll maximum 2 competitors in each weight category plus award winners (1-3 place) from previous European Championships. The host country may enroll 3 competitors / weight category. Already selected competitors for the World Championship 2021 can not register.
-65 kg, -75 kg, -85 kg, +85 kg
-50 kg, -55 kg, -60 kg, +60 kg
Kumite according to EKO rules (2019)
-with addition of weight categories and match time as WKO rules for WC in weight categories.
The duration of a match for both men: 3 minuts – 2 minuts – 2 minuts. Duration of a match for women: 2 minuts – 2 minuts – 2 minuts
There will be no scale or tameshiwari at this tournament in harmonization with WKO World Championship.
Protection Men
Groin protection
Mouth protection (optional)
Protection Women
Breast protection (only the cup type is allowed)
Shin protection
Mouth protection (optional)
Groin protection